Monday, October 29, 2012

A Great Platform for Christian Churches Outreach and Engagement

The terminology "Church Planting" just looks like an oldest -fashioned, traditional, not out of the box come on to things. Granted there have been countless successful, advanced church planters. But the expression, "church planting" looks so uninviting. There are principles and truths that we must appear from in the first church. Our mission must never to specify or change the church into what we think it should be, but instead, let us rediscover what the church was in the book of Acts and use them as our pattern. We must be Jesus Christ set up the Christian church when he was on the global. He called apostles and gave them instructions about how it was speculate to be run. He gave one man, Simon Peter, the authority to lead the church. They mostly preached to and taught the Jewish people because that is where they lived. They were Jewish. But the Jews largely rejected Jesus and his message of being the long-awaited Messiah. They crucified him. After he was crucified the apostles of the Christian church continued to teach the gospel to the Jews. Then, a man named Saul (later changed to Paul) was converted to the Christian Churches and began to teach the gospel to the Gentiles (those who were not of the Jewish faith.) This was essentially the first division that occurred in the Christian church because although it was what Christ taught, it was not what many of the early Christians wanted.

Typically, you will be assigned to an assist pastor role in a church for approximately three years. You will then be elected by a potential congregation. Some religions have a board that will provide certification that you are ready to become a pastor.

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