Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Church Planting For Growing Churches

The terminology "Church Planting" just seems like an old-fashioned, traditional, not out of the box approach to things. Granted there have been countless successful, innovative church planters. But the expression, "church planting" seems so uninviting.

The most important contribution to the Pauline Cycle is that the Holy Spirit is in the middle of all the other activities. The Holy Spirit is in control of all other activities around the cycle. Followed by prayer as the atmosphere of the missionary, the Scriptures as the foundation, and the church as the agency employed. We are to follow the logical sequence of preaching where people are, gaining converts, gathering them into churches, instructing them in the faith, choosing leaders, and commending believers to the grace of God.

It has been my pleasure over the last couple of years to have the opportunity to work with many passionate, inspired Christians during their journey in church planting. These faithful missionaries have been such an inspiration- demonstrating their devotion to God by working diligently to create a new flock from the unchurched. Reaching out to both believers and non-believers in many areas of the world, those called to plant new churches exude a dedication and zeal that reminds me why I chose a career in the nonprofit sector. But there is more to strategically planting a new Church Planting than simply following God's call to action.

The primary purpose of the foundation is to fund ministries that have a strong Protestant, Christ-centered, Biblical-based foundation. This includes ministries that have an effective prayer and a unique calling by the Holy Spirit to promote evangelism and discipleship around the world.